The entire CTIF History Commission and the Study Group as it stood in 2019.
Zittau, Germany
25 Jul 2023

The 26th Meeting of the CTIF History Commission will be in Germany in October


CTIF History LogoDear members of the commission, Dear members of the National Committees,

We are sending you the invitation and agenda for the 26th meeting of the History Commission at the CTIF, which will take place on October 11th, 2023 in Zittau, Germany. There will again be the possibility of participating online and I will inform you about the details separately.

Please send confirmations and cancellations directly to the Chair.

All National Committees that currently have no delegates in the Commission (BG, CDN, CY, E, EST, FIN, FL, GB, IR, IRL, LT, LV, N, RO, SRB and V) are welcome to send one. If this is not possible, I alternatively ask at least to name a person who is familiar with the history of the firefighting in your area


Preparations for this year's meeting of the commission History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation are continuing. Comrade Hans-Joachim Augustin and his team are doing a great job and preparing everything for us.  26th Commission Meeting October 11th, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Meeting room of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bahnhofstraße 30, 02763 Zittau, Germany Please find the agenda in the annex.  Following our Commission meeting, the meeting of the International Study Group for the History of Fire Service and Fire Protection in the CTIF will take place as usual (October 12th and 13th, 2023).  



Gerald Schimpf, BA


Cover photo: The entire CTIF History Commission and the Study Group photographed in 2019.


Location for the 26th Meeting of the commission: 

History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation

October 11th, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Bahnhofstraße 30

02763 Zittau, Germany


Agenda of the 26th Commission

(Meeting Status as of June 1st, 2023)

1. Welcome and opening

2. Approval of the agenda

3. Approval of minutes of the 25th meeting

4. Introduction of new members of the commission

5. Report from the Chairman of the commission

6. Report from the Chairmen of the study group

7. Certifications of fire brigade museums and collections

8. Classification of historical fire-fighting vehicles

9. Decorations of the CTIF

10. 125 years CTIF

11. Reports from the members of the commission, review 2022/23

12. Election of the Chairperson of the Commission

13. Current topics

Should you wish to include additional agenda items, please send them directly to the Chairman of the Commission. Nominations for the Chairperson of the Commission can be submitted to Christian Fastl (christian.fastl@feuerwehr.or.at).

The meeting will be held in English and German.

Image removed.Gerald Schimpf, BA

Chairman History Commission


Werte Mitglieder der Kommission, 

im Anhang übermittle ich die Einladung und Tagesordnung zur 26. Sitzung der Geschichte-Kommission im CTIF, die am 11. Oktober 2023 in Zittau, Deutschland stattfinden wird. Es wird auch wieder die Möglichkeit einer Online-Teilnahme geben, über die ich noch separat informieren werden.

Zu- und Absagen senden Sie bitte direkt an mich.

Gerald Schimpf, BA

Vorsitzender Geschichte-Kommission