German Volunteer Firefighters. Photo: Wikipedia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
31 Aug 2022

The 8th physical meeting of the Volunteer Firefighters Commission will be in Slovenia in October


INVITATION  to the 8th meeting of the CTIF Volunteer Firefighters Commission. 

Dear colleagues,

I hereby invite you to the next CTIF Volunteer Firefighters Commission’s meeting

Date Thursday, 13/10/2022

Venue Urban Boutique Hotel, Štefanova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana


Program 12/10/2022 – arrival and dinner

13/10/2022 – Meeting (starts at 09.00 am)

Social Event (tour guide around Ljubljana center, dinner)

14/10/2022 – departure


Agenda: 1. Welcome and Opening

2. Covid 19 - impact on volunteer fire service – UPDATE

3. Structure of Volunteer Firefighters in member states (facts and figures, ge-ographical distributions, training, rewards) – please prepare a presentation.

4. Public Relations (PR) and CTIF

5. Next meeting

6. Any other business


If you would like to report on specific topics from your association, please contact us.

The meeting will be held in English.

Kind regards,

Dr. Christoph Weltecke



Photo Credit (AboveI German Volunteer Firefighters. Photo: Wikipedia Commons