Photo: Wikipedia
Telfs, Austria
17 Mar 2020

Cancelled: Forest Fire Commission Meeting in Austria May 2020


Dear Commissioners!

According to the CTIF recommendations, the next meeting of the CTIF Forest Fires Commission, planned to be held in Austria, is canceled!

The meeting of the CTIF Forest Fires Commission was planned to be held in Tirol in the Tirol Fire-Fighting School from 19.-20.5.2020. It is postponed now for an unknown date.  

The new date of the meeting will be proposed later, according to the evolution of the sanitary European situation and according to the host organization.

Yours sincerely,


Mario Starčević


Original post:



19th – 20th May 2020



18. Mai 2020 Arrival

Chuttle airport Innsbruck or train staion


19. Mai 2020 Meeting:

start 09.00

finish 17.00


Evening program:

First Dinner „Stöttlalm“ www.stoettlalm.at


20. Mai 2020 Meeting:

start 09.00

finish 17.00


Evening program:

Second Dinner „Seegrube“  https://seegrube.at/


21. Mai 2020 Departure

Chuttle airport Innsbruck or train staion


15-20 members

Overnight stay: Landhotel Jäger ,  www.hotel-jaeger.at and

GH Traube in Wildermieming www.meine-traube.at

the overnight stay is to be paid by yourself



presentations about personal equipment

  • clothing
  • handtools
  • safety
  • respiratory

presentation about drones

  • drones
  • practical demonstration with drones


arial forest fire fighting

  • presentation Heli Austria and airpolice Austria
  • presentation equipment
  • practical demonstration