Sprinklers on a read metal roof
Las Vegas, Nevada
05 Mar 2018

Fire Prevention Commission Meeting in Las Vegas


The CTIF Fire Prevention Commission Meeting in Las Vegas, June 13 - 16, 2018, will focus on the role of the fire services during terrorist attacks, fire safety in high rises, fire prevention education, building safety regulations and more, in a meeting spread out over four days during Delegates Assembly.


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CTIF Fire Prevention Commission Meeting

Las Vegas, 2018, Conference room: Egyptian 1, Luxor Hotel




Day 1: Wednesday, June 13


09:00 AM – 09:30 AM      Opening remarks, meeting housekeeping  (host – NFPA, dr. Jug)

09:30 AM – 11:30 AM      Annual report about fatal fires in the CTIF member states


Please be prepared for a short 10-minute presentation and discussion


Denmark                               (10 minute presentation)                                 

Finland                                  (10 minute presentation)

Luxembourg                         (10 minute presentation)

Slovenia                               (10 minute presentation)

Sweden                                (10 minute presentation)

The Netherlands                  (10 minute presentation)


United Kingdom                  (10 minute presentation)

USA                                    (10 minute presentation)


                                                      Open discussion and future actions


11:30 AM – 12:00 PM      Role of the fire brigade in the terrorist attacks (Jarkko, Russ, Ales) – final discussion before the roundtable


12:00 PM – 1:00 PM         Lunch


1:00 PM – 5:00 PM            Role of the fire brigade in the terrorist attacks – roundtable – by invitation only

Participating: Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and the USA                                               




Day 2: Thursday, June 14


Time: TBA (coordination with Clark County Fire Brigade Fire Prevention Offices)


Detailed information will be provided shortly!


  1. Clark County Fire Brigade Fire Prevention Offices
  2. Clark County Fire Brigade Command Center
  3. Fire Safety measure in the High Rise building


Day 3: Friday, June 15

09:00 AM – 09:30 AM      Role of the fire brigade in the terrorist attacks – roundtable summary and future activities (Jarkko, Russ, Ales)

09:30 AM – 12:00 PM      Fire prevention strategies and models, Fire prevention education  - what works and what not?

Please be prepared for a short 10-minute presentation and discussion


Open discussion and future actions

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM         Lunch

1:00 PM – 2:30 PM            Community risk reduction, Eugène van Mierlo

Please be prepared for a short 10-minute presentation and discussion


2:30 PM – 2:45 PM            Coffee break


2:45 PM – 4:30 PM            Domestic fires – combustibility of new materials – what can we do to prevent fires - Report about the FEU working group report – “First mover,” Eugène van Mierlo


Please be prepared for a short 10-minute presentation and discussion


Open discussion and future actions


4:30 PM – 5:00 PM            Fire service of tomorrow / RemBrand project, Eugène van Mierlo



Day 4: Saturday, June 16


09:00 AM – 11:00 PM      The relationship between the building legislation and delivered fire safety


Please be prepared for a short 10-minute presentation and discussion


Open discussion and future actions


11:00 AM – 12:00 PM      Plans and future activities


Burned Out House Frame


Questions and Comments:

Dr. Ales Jug

CTIF Fire Prevention Commission, Chair

E-mail: ales.jug@guest.arnes.si



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