Competitions Commission Meeting in Portugal in October
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Dear Firefighting Comrades!
In November of last year, we had the idea to hold our next commission meeting in Portugal. The Portuguese association have completed the preparations. With this letter, I cordially invite you to the next meeting of the CTIF Competition Commission. It will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024, in Lisbon/Sintra – Portugal.
For hotel accommodation, 25 rooms are pre-reserved at the VIP Executive Zurique Hotel (https://www.vipzuriquehotel.com) in Lisbon. Address: Rua Ivone Silva, 18, 1050-124 Lisbon, Portugal
Prices (including breakfast):
- Single room: EUR 117.00
- Double room: EUR 125.00
- Tourism tax: EUR 2.00 per night/person
Room reservations should be made directly and as soon as possible to res.zurique@viphotels.com with the booking reference "LIGA DOS BOMBEIROS." CTIF will not cover any costs.
For better preparation of the meeting, I also request a short registration with me at pilo@pilo-franke.de.
Photo Credit: CTIF youth games in Martigny, Switzerland, 2019. Photo by Björn Ulfsson / CTIF News
Preliminary Schedule
Friday, October 25, 2024
- By 18:00: Arrival and check-in at the "VIP Executive Zurique" hotel
- 20:00: Welcome and light snack (details will be announced later)
Saturday, October 26, 2024
- 08:15: Transfer from the hotel to the fire school in Sintra Escola Nacional de Bombeiros Quinta do Anjinho, R. Dr. António Macieira 2710-689 Sintra, Portugal
- 09:00: Commission meeting
- 12:30: Lunch
- 13:30: Commission meeting
- 16:30: Sightseeing program
- Following: Dinner (costs covered by the Portuguese Firefighters Association)
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Commission Meeting Competitions on Saturday, November 25, 2023
Preliminary Agenda
- The updated agenda will follow in September
- Welcome and greetings
- Address
- Personnel – new commission members
- Protocols
a. News from CTIF (report on the Delegates' Assembly Meeting in Oslo 2024)
b. Commission chairman c. International competition leader - Eduard Kammerer
- New CTIF Commission: International Sports Competitions
- Competition rules for traditional competitions
- CTIF Competitions 2024/2025
- Next commission meeting - scheduling
- Personnel matters
- Miscellaneous
I look forward to active participation!
Please let me know if you need any further assistance or additional translations.
Best regards,
Klaus-Georg (Pilo) Franke
Chairman of the Commission