Deadly flooding in Southern Russia
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At least six people have died in floods in the Krasnodar region in southern Russia.
Two more people have been taken to hospital, according to reports from the emergency services. In total, more than 2,300 houses are estimated to have been affected by the floods, which also caused damage to infrastructure, including an oil pipeline.
Transneft, the company that runs the management, states that it is working to prevent oil leaking into the Tuapse River, which serves as one of the most important water sources for the city of Tuapse.
31 passenger trains have been discontinued due to damages to railways in the region.
"All the relevant authorities have been declaring a state of emergency while coping with the floods", said Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
Krasnodar Krai Emergencies Minister Sergei Kapustin said on October 26 that the bodies of the flood victims had been found in the region's Tuapse and Apsheron districts. Two persons are reported missing.
Some 2,300 households in some 30 towns and villages in the region, including the cities of Tuapse and Sochi, were affected by the high waters caused by heavy rains that hit the area on October 24-25.
Flooding has affected about 30 population centers, Kapustin said in a statement.
Electricity and running water have been cut off in the affected areas. Some roads and at least one bridge were destroyed.