Dutch flag


Representative organization
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Brandweerzorg en Rampenbestrijding
Stephan Wevers

The Netherlands Fire Service

Website: www.brandweer.nl/en

E-mail: info@brandweernederland.nl

Tel: + 31 (0)26 355 24 55

Country area: 41,526 km2

Number of inhabitants: 16 million.

Capital city: Amsterdam

Number of inhabitants in Amsterdam: 800,000

Emergency number: 112

Number of fire fighters in The Netherlands:

5,000 career fire fighters 

20,000 volunteer fire fighters

Number of fire stations in The Netherlands: around 1000

(Source: Pompiers d’Europe, 2008)

The numbers of career and volunteer firefighters were updated in June 2018.


The Netherlands Fire Service has the ambition to be a respected and constructive partner in international cooperation.

In the years 2012 – 2014, the Netherlands Fire Service had several reorganisations in the Netherlands Fire Service which resulted among other things in the following changes:

  • the founding of the Fire Service Netherlands as a partnership in our country (instead of Nederlandse Vereniging voor Brandweerzorg en Rampenbestrijding). Within the Fire Service Netherlands the 25 Fire Brigades are cooperating in many areas.

  • the founding of a body for international collaboration. So the Fire Service Netherlands can act as the national committee for the CTIF as a single point of contact.

As president of the Netherlands Fire Service, Stephan Wevers is also the chair of this CTIF Netherlands National Committee.

The back-office is hosted by the Fire Service Netherlands organisation in Arnhem.

Brandweer Nederland

Physical visiting adress:

Kemperbergerweg 783, Arnhem

6816 RW Arnhem


Post Box: 7010

6801 HA Arnhem


Telefoon+ 31 (0)26 355 24 55
