The Bulgarian team training at the Ladder Obstacle Course in Celje on Monday, July 18
18 Jul 2022

Firefighters Olympics Week has started in Slovenia!


Parts of of the Executive Committee of CTIF setting up for Delegates Assembly
Parts of of the Executive Committee of CTIF setting up for Delegates Assembly on Wednesday and the Gala Dinner on Tuesday, at the beautiful town hall Celskji Dom in Celje, Slovenia. From the left: Milan Dubravac, president, Neza Strmole, CTIF Secretary, Björn Ulfsson, website manager and media information and Roman Sykora, CTIF General Secretary.   

The Firefighters Olympics Week in Celje, Slovenia, has started and youth and adult teams from around the world are arriving already in large numbers.

In the photo above,  we can see the Bulgarian team practicing on the ladder obstacle course at the Stadium already on Monday, July 18th. 

At Celskji Dom in the center of the City of Celje, parts of the Executive Committee has been setting up for Delegates Assembly, and the big Gala Dinner taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday.  

A lot of networking is already taking place and among other things, CTIF president Milan Dubravac already had an informal meeting with a delegation from Senegal who are competing in the CTIF Games 2022 and are also applicants for becoming the first African Ordinary (national) members of CTIF!

CTIF.org will report continually during the week and follow all the events. For the fastest and more fun updates, please follow our Facebook page CTIF Fire & Rescue News!

Celskji Dom, Celje

Photos: Terri Casella and Roman Sykora (cover photo)