Screenshot of the library list of content
24 Jan 2022

CTIF.org Resource Library: Training & Education

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Welcome to the CTIF Resource Library!


In this section we publish research papers and other documents of a timeless nature. If you or someone in your organisation have a document you would like to contribute, please do not hesitate to contact the CTIF Office.  

To search the library (and also the news section of CTIF.org, please search by topic in the left side bar on a computer screen or below if you are surfing on a mobile device. 

To view all documents by alphabetical order, click here for the traditional view 

To search by specific search keywords, please click here to go to our search bar function

 If you fail to get the result you want, or if you can´t find an article you know is in there, try a different search word, or a different spelling.



The old website for  CTIF.org (as it looked until February 2018) is still archived and available on our server. As some documents may not have been properly migrated over, they may possibly be found on https://www.old.ctif.org/


Search function


Old CTIF.org

The old CTIF.org as it looked between 2013 and February 2 - 2018, when the current site was launched.


News - in Categories by Subject Matter

If you hover your mouse pointer over the More News Menu, you will see a number sub-categories, divided into different subjects as well.

See all News published to date here

See list of news related to internal CTIF affairs here

Click on any of the sub menus shown in the photo below: 


News Sub Categories


Commissions Sub MenuNewsletter & Commissions

Access the various commissions & working groups in the sub menu under the menu Commissions, as the photo the left shows.

To see a list of CTIF Commissions & Working Groups, and news relating to their chosen topics, click here

To subscribe to our Newsletter click here



These categories are continually updated. If you have a specific request for a category or if you are missing one in the documents, please contact the CTIF Communications Coordinator.


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