Polish firefighters heavily involved in helping Ukraine refugees as 2 million come through Poland
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"Adults in panic, children in anxiety, helplessness. This is the picture that officers observe every day. By breaking language barriers, a firefighter is able to talk, help in moving luggage or take care of a baby. This is only part of the actions taken by firefighters"
/The State Fire Service of the Republic of Poland
As of Match 18, more than 3,2 million people have left the Ukraine as refugees from the various war zones. Poland has experienced by far the largest influx of people and local firefighters are heavily involved in helping the refugees.
To date, most refugees are currently seeking refuge in neighbouring countries west of Ukraine. The amount of refugees - almost 2 million or about a third of the refugees - have come through Poland. This is a staggering number which more or less equals the entire population of the Polish capital of Warsaw.
In Poland, firefighters are heavily involved in helping everyday, as well being a collection hub for some of the largest efforts of donating fire fighting materials ever carried out in history.
On the public home page for the State Fire Service of the Republic of Poland, we can read how Polish firefighters in many arts of the country are involved in receiving and helping refugees who have fled from the war in Ukraine:
"More refugees from Ukraine have been coming to Poland for many days. After crossing the border, each person looks for what is most precious in life - peace and broadly understood security. These values are ensured by the Polish firefighters of the Volunteer Fire Department and the Fire Service every day.
The tasks carried out by the officers include, among others:
- Transport of refugees to a place of temporary stay, also abroad
- On March 10 this year, the State Fire Service organized, based on private carriers, transport of refugees from the Polish-Ukrainian border to Germany (direction: Main Railway Station Berlin - Hauptbahnhof Berlin)
- A total of two days 54 buses were sent, 40 from the Mazowieckie voivodeship and 14 from the Małopolskie voivodeship).
- A total of 104 PSP and Police buses and 186 from private carriers were commissioned for last-day transport activities across the country.
In order to help people coming from Ukraine, firefighters also support the coordination of activities at railway stations. They provide all kinds of support there, including in the field of providing the necessary information or transporting luggage. These activities include, among others:
There are also sanitary containers and fuel containers at your disposal. In the last day, a total of 1,107 firefighters of Fire Protection Units (JOP) and 723 JOP vehicles were involved in helping refugees from Ukraine".
'Prepared by: Press Department of KG PSP Photos: KW PSP, KP / M PSP, OSP
More than 3 million refugees have already left Ukraine - only three weeks into the conflict
According to information from the UN, "The escalation of conflict in Ukraine has caused destruction of civilian infrastructure and civilian casualties and has forced people to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance. In the first week, more than a million refugees from Ukraine crossed borders into neighbouring countries, and many more are on the move both inside and outside the country. They are in need of protection and support. As the situation continues to unfold, an estimated 4 million people may flee Ukraine. In light of the emergency and paramount humanitarian needs of refugees from Ukraine, an inter-agency regional refugee response is being carried out, in support of refugee-hosting countries’ efforts. The regional refugee response plan brings together UN, NGO and other relevant partners and primarily focuses on supporting the host country governments to ensure safe access to territory for refugees and third-country nationals fleeing from Ukraine, in line with international standards. It also focuses on the provision of critical protection services and humanitarian assistance, while displacement dynamics and needs continue to grow exponentially."
This map shows which countries are most affected by the refugees leaving Ukraine. Source: https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine