Tore Eriksson, President: "This has been an amazing event and it is important that we continue to arrange this kind of seminar every year from now on"
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The second of the 2 day CTIF Seminar in Brussels has ended, and the Executive Committé of CTIF is very impressed with the format of the seminar and has decided to go forward to arrange similar CTIF seminars every year from now on.
"It is crucial that we come together like this to meet and exchange what we know and share our experiences and Lessons Learned", says Tore Eriksson, President of CTIF.
A new project group has been set up in the Executive Committé to start preparing for next year's seminar.
"The location will likely be Poland or Czech Republic. I have started to make some research already ", says vice president Milan Dubravac to CTIF News.
The name "Fire, Rescue & New Challenges" will likely continue to be the name of the CTIF Seminar also in the coming years, according to Tore Eriksson:
"People seem to respond well to the topic on social media and on our website, everybody seems to understand what it means and the topic is broad enough that I personally don't see a need to change it. The final decision will need to be made by the EC, but most likely, next year's seminar in November - where ever that will be - will be the Second version of 'Fire, Rescue & New Challenges'. - Slightly different approach and topics perhaps, but the main idea and format will remain the same", says Tore Eriksson.
Participants from 18 countries!
The CTIF seminar "Fire, Rescue & New Challenges", although in many ways arranged a bit "last minute", turned out to be a great success and was an appreciated renewed tradition within CTIF. Given that these types of seminars have not been arranged within the organization for a few years, it was with great satisfaction for the CTIF Executive Board and the Center of Expertise in Belgium (the latter which arranged the Seminar) to see so many enthusiastic participants from so many countries come to Brussels for the weekend.
The countries represented on the Seminar, aside from Belgium, were:
- The Netherlands
- Luxemburg
- Germany
- France
- Sweden
- Norway
- Denmark
- Iceland
- Slovenia
- Slovakia
- Czech Republic
- Ukraine
- Finland
- Croatia
- United Kingdom
- Austria
- Canada