International Workshop On Hydrogen Safety Training for First Responders
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“Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (FCH) technologies and applications both in transport and energy sectors arrive to the market today. Fire authorities’ and First Responders’ awareness and knowledge of these new technologies are limited. An adequate training is therefore required to provide knowledge and essential skills on how to handle potential incidents/accidents at FCH systems and infrastructure; how to protect the public without putting First Responders’ own life at risk. The “First International Workshop on Hydrogen Safety Training for First Responders” will take place on the 3rd and 4th of September 2014 at ENSOSP site in Aix en Provence, France. The workshop is organized within the frame of HyResponse, an EC funded project. It will gather the International First Responders community with the view to present/exchange ideas and get feedback on the hydrogen safety training initiatives under construction. International keynote speakers are invited and FCH technologies will be exhibited. All the details are available at: Please submit your registration form as soon as possible.”