A screen shot from a video especially made for CTIF from the Ukraine State Emergency Service.
12 Apr 2022

The Ukraine State Emergency Service is moving into closer cooperation with CTIF


On 6 April 2022 the Ukrainian Rescue Committee invited Mira Leinonen as Chair of the CTIF Women in Fire and Rescue Services’ Commission to discuss their ongoing focus on gender-specific topics within the Fire and Rescue Service.

CTIF was represented by the Chair, Mira Leinonen, the President of CTIF, Milan Dubravac and Commission Secretary, Nicola Lown, and representing the State Emergency Service (SES) of Ukraine was Ivan Prymush, Deputy Head and Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Julia Maligonova, Head of the Gender Equality Sector, Stanislav Rudyi and Alina Kozlova.

SES continue to be focussed on taking into account the needs and rights of both women and men and in 2021 accomplished significant amendments to acts of discrimination in the workplace via the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

 They wish to develop their guidelines even further with regard to the reporting and recording of sexual harassment and to also work with the education system to promote zero tolerance against sexual violence and discrimination.


Working with the CTIF Commission for Women in Fire & Rescue, the Ukraine SES wishes to:

- Share best practice on gender-related topics and issues that affect women

- Attract more women to the Fire Service by understanding the gender barriers that exist and also ensuring the retention and promotion for those already in that career.  

- SES are also beginning the process of applying for CTIF membership and are also interested in shared learning with regard to disabilities and less mobile groups.

Under our Commission Chair, Mira Leinonen's leadership, we look forward to the future and working closely to play a pivotal role on a practical level with SES, Ukraine.


There are, of course, other urgent priorities in Ukraine: 

According to Deputy Head, Ivan Prymush,  the current situation is that 26 rescuers have died and 70 have been injured during the war. Seven rescuers are also reported to have been imprisoned, 4 of whom have since been released, 45 rescue departments and 71 rescue vehicles have been destroyed and 200 emergency vehicles taken.  

CTIF will continue to help Ukraine in terms of liaising for specific equipment needs, for example, bullet proof vests for responders being shelled whilst they work, hazmat suits and breathing apparatus and engineering equipment for rubble removal.


By: Nicola Lown

Group Commander, Professional Development and Learning, London Fire Brigade


Photo credits:

All images in this articles are screenshots from an official video especially made for CTIF, provided by the Ukraine State Emergency Service. 


As previously published on CTIF.org: At the CTIF Webinar Wednesday April 6, we opened with a special message from Ukraine: A video made for CTIF describing the situation for firefighters working inside Ukraine, The video contains a special thanks to CTIF for helping to coordinate the international aid efforts, especially through Poland to Ukraine.


Screenshot from the video issued to CTIF from the Ukraine State Emergency Service.
To see the video: Click on the video viewer, or click here to view it directly on YouTube. Due to the strong and graphic images displayed in the video, we do not have permission to mirror it on CTIF.org. 

According to General Sergei Kruk, Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, "the units of the State Service perform tasks under extremely difficult conditions of Russian aggression":

"We see, you see, from the media, that no legislation, no laws, no rules for Russian aggression are there. The rules of the Geneva Convention, the requirements of the Geneva Convention, which protect the rescue service during the performance of tasks in combat also do not work", says General Kruk in the video, made especially for CTIF. 

According to Ukrainian authorities, 26 rescuers have been killed, six have been captured, and more than 50 rescuers have been injured. Also, claims General Kruk, more than 150 fire stations have been destroyed since the attack on Ukraine began in the end of February. 


Firefighters in Ukraine. Photo provided from a video by the State Emergency Service in Ukraine.
Firefighters in Ukraine are heavily involved in evacuating civilians from destroyed buildings. Photo screen shot from a video by the State Emergency Service in Ukraine.  


"More than 3500 of our rescuers serve in the territories that are not controlled by Ukraine... But we carry out our tasks. We are suffering great losses together with many structures and services that protect our state. To date, we have lost more than 300 pieces of firefighting equipment... Intotal, the occupiers destroyed and damaged more than 75000 objects", saus General Kruk.

He goes on to list that 400 objects intended for life support has been destroyed,  as well as more than 1000 educational institutions, 285 health care facilities, and more than 71000 residential buildings. 

"It is extremely important for us to communicate with a well known and powerful organisation for firefighters and rescuers (like) CTIF. We have hope for further deep interaction and cooperation. We thank all those countries that ensure function, the entire organisation, and provide assistance for the rescue service. It is extremely important and extremely effective. And we need it all the time, especially during this period.... Thank you for your support", General Kruk says in the video.

The video then  goes on to show a collage of some very strong images of what has allegedly been happening in Ukraine since the beginning of the armed conflict began on February 24, 2022.

Firefighters in Ukraine. Photo provided from a video by the State Emergency Service in Ukraine.
Firefighters in Ukraine. Photo provided from a video by the State Emergency Service in Ukraine.