CTIF Fire Statistics #25 now available in Persian
感谢您选择 Automatic Translation。目前,我们提供从英语到法语和德语的翻译,不久的将来还会增加更多翻译语言。请注意,这些翻译是由第三方人工智能软件服务生成的。虽然我们发现这些翻译大部分都是正确的,但并非每种情况下都完美无缺。为确保您阅读的信息正确无误,请参考英文原文。如果您发现翻译中有错误,希望引起我们的注意,请告诉我们,这将对我们大有帮助。我们一旦发现任何文字或章节有误,都会及时更正。如有任何翻译错误,请及时与我们的网站管理员联系。
The CTIF World Fire Statistics Center gathers data from fires world wide, and collects them in PDF format in English, German and Russian.
In 2018, though a collaboration with Chile, issue no 23-2018 has been translated into Spanish. In 2019, a Hungarian edition for #23 was added, and a Persian version of issue no 24. This is the latest version, issue no 25, also translated by our CTIF national representative in Tehran, Mr Navid Bayat.
To download this issue, please click here
The statistical data in these reports are based on official data from every country that provided data for each respective year. No attempt has been made to limit the calculations to countries that provided data for all or most years or to compensate statistically for changes in the participating countries (or cities).
Therefore, readers should use caution in interpreting these results. An apparent trend up or down may be based more on the movement in and out of the database of a very large country or a shift in the fraction of included populations residing in high-rate versus low-rate countries rather than real change in fire experience or fire risk but rather Readers should also be aware that every country has its own methods of data collection and analysis of fires, fire deaths and fire injuries.
These methods can change over time in individual countries, and this also can affect the results, as can changes in national boundaries.