Steam powered firefighting equipment drew 80 people from 15 nations to Pribyslav: Report from the 25th meeting of the CTIF History Commission
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On October 12th, 2022, the members of the Commission for History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation met in Přibyslav, Czech Republic, for their annual meeting. It was already the 25th meeting of the CTIF History Commission, which was held in hybrid form and in German and English.
Delegates from 14 nations were welcomed at this year's event. For the first time, delegates from Belgium and Italy took part. Under the chairmanship of Gerald Schimpf from Austria, current topics of fire service history were dealt with. On the agenda were, among other things, the adoption of the new version of the regulations for the certification of fire service museums and fire service collections as well as preliminary planning for the CTIF anniversary year 2025. Both CTIF President Milan Dubravac and CTIF Secretary General Roman Sykora took part in the meeting.
Then the 29th conference of the International Study Group for the History of Fire Service and Fire Protection in the CTIF was opened. This year's event was all about steam engines, the history of which was explained in detail in the conference volume and the symposium.
Around 80 people from 15 nations came to Přibyslav, the extensive conference volume contains 37 essays on the subject of steam engines. In addition, an exciting supporting program was offered, in which even two steam engines were on site.
It was a Czech model from the Smekal company from 1908, which was organized by the Czech fire service association, and another model from the Viennese company Kernreuter from 1911, which is maintained by the professional fire department of the City of Vienna.
As a highlight of the supporting program, the two steam pumps were heated up and the pumping of water was practically demonstrated. This made it possible to create a perfect connection between scientific research, the preservation of technical heritage and practical application.
The next conference will take place in Germany in 2023.