The CTIF Youth Firefighters Games 2024 in Italy in July 2024
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We are pleased to invite you to the XXIV International Youth Fire Fighters Games - CTIF to be held in the Trentino region of Italy in 2024.
The event will take place in the beautiful Borgo Valsugana from July 21 to 28, 2024.
Please download the attached pdfs for more information (English or German)
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Dear Commission Members,
enclosed you will find the announcement for the XXIV International Youth Fire Brigade Gathering 2024 in Borgo Valsugana (Trentino / Italy).
The pre-registration of the nations must be made by 31.12.2023.
The registration of the judges for the International Youth Fire Brigade Competitions must be made by 10 February 2024.
We look forward to numerous registrations from the nations!
The announcement of the 24th International Youth Fire Fighters Gathering (IYFG) will take
place after the decision of the International Youth Leaders Commission and after approval by the Executive Council of CTIF.
The 24th IYFG will take place from Sunday, the 21st of July to Sunday, the 28th July
2024 in Borgo Valsugana (Trentino), under the direction of the International Youth
Leader Commission (IYLC) of the CTIF.
The local organization is entrusted to the Provincial Association of Volunteer Fire Brigades of the Autonomous Province of Trentino.
The head of the organization for the CTIF is the chairman of the International Youth Leader
Commission, Jörn-Hendrik Kuinke.
The CTIF has entrusted the International Competition Director for the IYFG, Michael Wagner, Austria, with the management of the competition.
Information about the technical execution of the International Youth Fire Brigade Competitions can be found in the International Competition Regulations for Youth Fire Brigades in the current version as well as in the specifications on the occasion of the evaluation training 2023.
In case of discrepancies in the interpretation of the competition regulations, only the GERMAN VERSION is valid.
The invitation is extended to all CTIF National Fire Brigade Associations, and it is hoped that as many associations as possible will send youth groups to the gathering.
The International Firefighting Competitions of CTIF is a spectacular event gathering 3500 contestants from over 30countries, with over 10 000 fans in the audience! Here are some highlights from our history which spans over the better part of six decades.
Read more about CTIF Firefighters Competitions