Explosion and multiple fires in central Gothenburg
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A total of 16 people were injured when an explosion occurred in an apartment building in central Gothenburg. 140 people people have had to evacuate their homes. According to local police, the explosion was not an accident.
The explosion occurred at 5 am Central European time, causing fires in three stairwells and the apartments connected to them. Hundreds of residents were evacuated following the explosion. Some were jumping from windows and balconies.
Eyewitnesses tell of chaotic scenes. 50 firefighters responded to the fire, which was under control later the same afternoon.
Out of the 16 people who were injured, four were still in hospital on Wednesday with serious injuries.
The Gothenburg police department were during the press conference fairly clear that the explosion was intentional, and the result of explosives being placed near or inside the apartment building. They were, however, not clear if the explosives had been placed inside the building, or somewhere outside.
According to local police, there was no known threat or suspicious activity connected to the apartment building.