How diversity in Fire and Rescue will build a safer society
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"We do more than just fight fires". In this engaging short talk, Firefighter Bronnie Mackintosh explains that a diverse Fire and Rescue workforce, one that truly reflects the society we live in, is vital for our safety.
As she says, "we are more effective in public safety when we look, speak & think like you".
Bronnie Mackintosh is a Winston Churchill Fellowship recipient. As a station officer with Fire and Rescue NSW, she travelled the world to research how international fire agencies are changing their workforces to be more reflective of the diverse communities they protect.
Bronnie is currently seconded to the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) to assist with diversity and inclusion programs for the fire and emergency services sector. She holds a Bachelor in Sport Science from the University of Technology and is currently studying for her MBA at Newcastle University. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Video by: TEDx Talks