CTIF Commission Extrication & New Technology
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After a successful ISO kick-off meeting in Brussels on the 3th-4th of February 2015, attended by more than 40 participants from vehicle manufacturers and Fire & Rescue Services, the CTIF Commission for Extrication & New Technology left his footprint on the 5th of May in Paris. The chairman Tom Van Esbroeck managed to lead the face-to-face ISO meeting ‘Working group 7 + Taskforce rescue information’ into the right direction.
What is it all about?
The CTIF Commission wants to force a breakthrough in the standardizing of first responders information, provided by the industry and car manufacturers. The same structure in Rescue Sheets and Emergency Response Guides, will improve the work of first responders all over the world, optimizing safety for everyone aboard!
Work is progressing in a constructive way. By signing our support letter, every CTIF member can now give a powerful signal of trust and believe in the Commission’s ISO efforts!
Tom Van Esbroeck