The 18th meeting of the Commission for Women in Fire and Rescue Services was held in Cern in May
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Invitation to the 18th meeting of the Commission for Women in Fire
and Rescue Services (Commission for WFRSs)
Dear Commission Members,
You are warmly invited to the 18th Meeting of the Women in Fire and Rescue
Services Commission to be held in person on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 June
2023 at Cern, Switzerland.
The election of a new chairperson will be held on Tuesday 13 June. All member
countries are kindly asked to nominate their candidate as chairperson by 31 May
Rooms in a hotel are reserved for those wishing to attend and further details will be
shared in a Cern WhatsApp group which will be set up and to which attendees will
be added.
All participants are kindly asked to register as soon as possible with the Commission
secretary, Nicola Lown via a simple return of e-mail
registration in the first instance with the answers to the questions below.
people have suggested they would like Sunday 11–Wednesday 14, ie 3 nights as we
will have two full days, so please stipulate this in your answer. An agenda will be
shared in due course.
The deadline for registration is Monday 15 May as any hotel rooms not
reserved will be released after that date.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact:
We look forward to seeing you in Cern.With best wishes,
Mira Leinonen