Registration and the full program for Technical Days in France
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The 4th French Technical Days "Emergency response on vehicles" are coming back this spring in May!Register below for the 10th, 11th and 12 of May 2023 in Poitiers, France!
Just like previous years, there will be conferences, real fire tests, extrication workshops and more.
For the full program, please download the attached PDFs in your chosen CTIF language; English, French or German.
The last time Technical Days was arranged was in spring 2018.
Technical Days was planned for spring of 2020, but had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. The founder Michel Gentilleau, who is also vice president in the CTIF Commission for Extrication and New Technology is happy to announce that Technical Days has officially resurrected from the long break and is back again in 2023!
Read the online program for Technical Days 2023