CTIF Fire Statistics Report no 26 now available!
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The Center of Fire Statistics (CFS) of the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services (CTIF) presents its latest report №26, containing fire statistics of many CTIF countries and their larger cities for 2019 and trends for 2015-2019. This report includes statistics on numbers and rates of fires, deaths, and injuries due to fires and on-duty firefighter deaths and injuries, whether sustained at fires or not. The report also includes statistics on numbers of non-fire emergency responses, by significant type of incident, and values and rates of firefighters, fire service apparatus, and stations.
The authors of the report thank the National Committees of CTIF, who sent us the fire statistics for 2019 for analysis.
Now the Center of Fire Statistics of CTIF begins work on report №27. We ask all National Committees of CTIF to send us to fire statistics of the countries and cities of the World for the year 2020 before May 1, 2022.
The report's authors are always grateful for any suggestions to improve the work of the Center for Fire Statistics.