The modular Fire Prevention  teaching system Fire-Ed being demonstrated in Parksville, BC, Canada.
01 Mar 2018

Simplify your Fire Prevention Training with Props


"Teaching Kids How Not to Become Victims of Fire" - An 8 minute educational video demonstrating the modular Fire- Ed teaching system live with a group of kids at the Parksville fire station, BC, Canada. Video by Greg Howard, Bjorn Ulfsson & Terri Casella.


The Modular Fire-Ed Fire Prevention Teaching system being demonstrated


The Fire-ED Interactive Community Direct Teaching Model, raises awareness to the devastating impact of fire, using systematic approaches for teaching young adults to live more safely and help all children achieve the same positive results.


By Tracy Last / Fire Prevention Connect

The Scope

The death or serious injury to a child, from preventable causes, has a profound impact on more than just the victim’s immediate family. The repercussions reverberate throughout the community affecting among others: family and friends; schoolmates and teachers; and the first responders who answered the call. When a preventable fire related accident claims a child, or seriously burns a child, it calls into question our ability as a community to protect the most vulnerable among us.


The Facts

Fire and burns pose one of the greatest threats to a child reaching adulthood. While it’s important children not play with matches or lighters, it is far more important they learn a broad range of skills necessary to avoid becoming a victim of fire, a fire that overwhelmingly will happen in the place where they live.

Fire and injury prevention education is the key to keeping an estimated 40 children age 0-14 from dying in a fire and another 770 from being hospitalized for serious burn-related injuries each year. The majority of those deaths (75%) were due to smoke inhalation.

Think about this statement for a moment: at the time that the fire first produced smoke, the child was alive. If every home had a working smoke alarm, and every child knew what to do when that smoke alarm sounded, we could effectively eliminate preventable deaths due to smoke inhalation.


The Problem

Public Fire and Life Safety Educators agree that impactful prevention education can save property, lives, avoid burn- related injuries and other preventable causes that can occur in the home. Consistent delivery of impactful programming has its limitations due to; 1. Limited personnel, 2. Limited outreach, 3. Limited resources, 4. Limited budgets.


The Challenge

Delivering consistent fire and life safety messaging, as often as possible, and to as many people as possible each year. Also, access to affordable, quality, teaching tools that are age appropriate and fit within their allotted time for presentation.


The Opportunity

Fire-ED provides a consistent teaching tool that “plays to” the learning strength of most children ages 5-12: hands-on (tactile) learning.

Fire and life safety education outreach coordinators who tap into this resource will be able to expand the delivery cadre! The Fire-ED Community Safety Facilitator Program (CSFP) is designed for adults young and old to facilitate.

Firefighters, military spouses and veterans, parks and recreation staff, librarians, teachers, daycare operators, Boy and Girl Scouts, parents, caregivers and babysitters.

So there you have it, the solutions to The Problem: (1) more people trained to deliver programs; (2) the ability to deliver more programs; (3) an “out of the box” solution for everyone to use; and (4) a teaching system that’s economical and portable.

Public fire educators who have used the Fire-ED signature teaching tool, The “Fully Involved” Home Safe System say they have not seen or used better teaching tools that actively engage children and create such an impactful atmosphere for learning.


The Fire-Ed modules on white background


Teach Kids How NOT to Become Victims of Fire

The Fully Involved Home Safe Teaching System Includes:

-  Six 36” x 36” story boards; Living Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, Meeting Place, Fire Station

-  Two firetrucks, 1 large smoke prop, 1 large Fire prop, small flames, electrical currents, X’s, checks

-  100 cut outs (common home hazards and room décor)

-  Carrying case and shipping box

-  10 CSF101 course entry codes (Community Safety Facilitator /Train the Trainer)

-  10 - 1 year CSF subscriptions to Fire-ED Interactive where trainers have their own “channel” to

collaborate with their training team and learners

- 100 HSA101 course entry codes (Home Safety Ambassador age 5-12)

-  100 - 1 month HSA subscriptions to Fire-ED Interactive where learners take exams, receive certifications, chat with trainers and other learners






Text by Tracy Last / Fire Prevention Connect

CTIF Fire Prevention Commission Chair Aleš Jug is a Senior Academic Adviser for Fire-Ed

Published by Bjorn Ulfsson / CTIF News /  Video by BT Video Productions

Motion Graphics: Terri Casella

Video Edit / Sound Edit: Bjorn Ulfsson

Videography: Greg Howard

Narrated by Bjorn Ulfsson