22th meeting of CTIF History Commission
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Dear CTIF comrades.
I cordially invite you to the 22th meeting of the Commission on Wednesday, 9th October 2019 from10.00 to 16.00 (lunch at 12:00) to Tulln in Austria.
- Report of the Chairman
- Report of the members, activities in the Nation 2018/2019
- Certification of fire brigade museums, report state of affairs (Schamberger)
- Certification of historical fire brigades vehicles, report state of affairs (Sallaberger)
- Venues and topics for the coming conferences, future of the commission (Ingo Valentini)
- Archive of the CTIF, museum of the CTIF, further activities
- Commission chairman
- Various things
Following to the 22th meeting of our Commission, the 27th conference of the International Study Group from the 9 (evening) to 12 October also will take place in Tulln.
I hope that you can take part in the 22th meeting and in the 27th conference.
Please registration at peter.fwm@vol.at
Peter Schmid
Chairpresident of Commission