Flags of countries participating at Delegates Assembly in Las Vegas 2018. Photo: Björn Ulfsson / CTIF
26 Nov 2019

See how much it would cost for your country to join CTIF


The fees to join CTIF as a country is entirely based on population. The chart shows that small countries pay a very modest membership fee to become Ordinary Members of CTIF - while larger countries still pay a very affordable yearly fee.

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Flags CTIF member countries as of spring 2019


In 2017, the Delegates Assembly of CTIF decided to change the way membership fees were calculated for national (Ordinary) members. The reason was that before the change in fee structure, countries with very large populations would have to pay extraordinarily high fees. Therefore, the decision was to cap the maximum fee any country would ever need to pay to 5000 Euros. 

A quick look at the graph below will give an idea of what different countries would pay if they joined today.   

Membership fees, a graph based on population

The above graph is en excerpt from the CTIF Financial Regulations form 2017, downloadable below. 

The graph above shows that for instance Slovenia, a very active CTIF country, with their roughly 2 million inhabitants, pays only €800 for their yearly membership. 

A country like Canada, who is currently not a member, would fall into Group 8 with their roughly 38 million inhabitants. That would put their yearly membership fee at €2500 (or about 3500 Canadian dollars) 

Australia, with their 25 million inhabitants, would fall into Group 7, and their national membership fee  - if they joined - would be €2000 per year.

United Kingdom, which has roughly 65 million inhabitants, pays €3500, which is less than 3000 British pounds for their membership.  

United States, which is a country with almost 330 million inhabitants, still only pays €5000 yearly. With the US dollar and the Euro almost equal in value, this makes the membership quite affordable, and spread out over each US member state, very low per state.

If China, with their more than one billion inhabitants, were to join, they would still only pay €5000.


That is exactly the same as what for instance Japan currently pays: Since they are a country with 126 million people, they fall into Group 12 and pays €5000.

South Korea, a recent member, has 51 million inhabitants and therefore pays according to Group 10, €3500.

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Affordable fees - a part of CTIF´s philosophy of world wide comradery across borders

The idea with the new fee structure is that no country should ever feel that they cannot join CTIF for financial reasons. Of course, in order to participate actively in Delegates Assembly and get involved in Commissions and Working Groups, each delegate must pay for travel cost and other costs associated with their involvement, however, this is usually paid for by the employer of each delegate, not necessarily by their government. 

When a country joins CTIF as an ordinary member, they are of course expected to form a local National CTIF Committee. The National Committee is a democratic organisation with an elected Chairperson, and that national body is expected to regularly meet and discuss current issues on their country or region, elect two national delegates to represent their country at Delegates Assembly ever year and vote on issues brought up at Delegates Assembly.

A CTIF National Committee usually has their own budget, funded by one or more organisations within the member country.

Once an ordinary member in CTIF, a country can appoint any amount of delegates who can then apply to participate in one, or several, of CTIF´s Commissions and Working Groups.   

The National Committee  of a member country is also expected to communicate with the CTIF Office and the CTIF Executive Committee, which is the body elected each year at Delegates Assembly to govern CTIF on a day-to-day basis. 


Corporate and Individual Membership:

Companies can also join CTIF, and their membership is set to a flat €800 fee, regardless of the size of company. This type of membership is called Associate Membership, and gives the right to apply to join the various Commissions and Working Groups of CTIF. It doesn´t, however grant the company or its representatives, the right to vote for President, vice presidents and other issues presented at the yearly Delegates Assembly. It does, however, give companies exposure on CTIF.org, and the right to participate in functions.

Individuals can also join CTIF, and the fee for that type of membership is set to €600. The same rules and restrictions apply for individual membership as it does for associate membership. (see above) 


Delegates´Assembly Opening Ceremony 2018 in Las Vegas. Photo: Björn Ulfsson, CTIF.

Delegates´Assembly Opening Ceremony 2018 in Las Vegas. Text & Photo: Björn Ulfsson, CTIF.

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