Poster for Technical Days seminar in France
Poiters, France
07 Feb 2018

Technical Days "Emergency Response for Vehicles" / Poitiers - FRANCE



French firefighters will organize Technical Days on « Emergency Response for Vehicles », on 16th, 17th and 18th of May 2018, at Poitiers´ Firefighters´ Training Center.

Click here to register for this event:


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Published by Bjorn Ulfsson / CTIF NEWS

Video Above: A one minute introduction video to Technical Days (French)

Video Below: A Lecture from Technical Days 2016 (English) outlining issues facing firefighters during Extrication.

Languages: French and English (Simultaneous translation)

CLICK HERE TO READ MORE about Technical Days on CTIF News

Emergency intervention on vehicles (IUV) is today, and even more so tomorrow, is a real challenge for emergency services. In the context of interventions for traffic accidents or vehicle fires, fire brigades must adapt their techniques and equipment.

Technical Days Event Banner


Conferences, extrication workshops, car fire tests (electric cars, LNG trucks…), extrication tests and demonstrations are on the program for this event.

New Energy Sources (electric, hybrid, gas) and New Technologies (airbags, reinforcements, glazing, etc.) are

important developments in the "vehicle" sector.

The SDIS 86, aware of these challenges, has initiated a proactive approach since 2005, in partnership

with automobile manufacturers and manufacturers of road rescue equipment.

An intervention Protocol has been drawn up and training courses are given at the Vienna Fire Training Center. In parallel to this approach, SDIS 86, in partnership with SDIS44, the National School of Fire Brigade


Map, Coordinates and Contact Info for Poiters´Fire Training Center.
Map, Coordinates and Contact Info for Poiters´Fire Training Center.


Officers and the Fédération nationale des sapeurs-pompiers de France, the Directorate General of Civil Security and Crisis Management, the International Fire Technical Committee and the support of Weber-Rescue Systems and Renault, organized technical days on its site at the training center in 2014 and 2016.

At the last edition, nearly 450 people (participants, exhibitors, speakers, etc.) from 58 French departments and 14 different countries were present to attend the conferences, workshops and scheduled trials.

In view of the success of these technical days, SDIS 86 has decided to renew the organization of this international event and would be happy to count you among its participants.

Click here to see the program in English for Technical Days


Technical Days Panorama View


 These Technical Days are realized through the help of their partnership with Renault and Weber Rescue.