Tulln, Austria
15 May 2019

Conference: 27th International Study Group for the History of the Fire Service and Fire Protection


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                                                  INVITATION TO THE

27th International Study Group for the History of the Fire Service and Fire Protection


Topic:   Fire Brigades in and on Water

Please read more information in the attachment!

Registration is possible until 1st June 2019!


The international study group is an open forum with the aim of a qualified exploration of the fire brigade and fire protection history. Therefore all persons, to whom the research and history of the fire fighter is an aim, are invited to publish their research results on the topic in the conference volume and to present it during the conference.

The host and organizer of the 27th meeting of our International Working Group in Tulln is the Lower Austrian Fire Brigade Department, which was founded in 1869 and celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. Therefore, the conference will take place in the context of the celebrations on the occasion of this anniversary and the Lower Austria Fire Brigade Department is pleased to be able to host the conference for the first time.

If you want to publish a contribution, please write to beitrag@ctif-history.com until 1st June 2019 indicating the provisional page count (A4 in Arial 12, paragraph 0 pt, easy) and the number of images.

Final deadline is 21th July 2019! We ask you to reliably meet the deadline. The attachments can be transferred via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). A detailed guideline is attached.

Language:  The conference language is German. If you want a translator, you have to arrange this by yourself. As the presentation time is restricted, please determine only one speaker of every country (historically shaped region).

The time management will be arranged in cooperation with the chairman Ingo Valentini.


Arrival and departure:

Transfers from and to the airport Wien-Schwechat (VIE) or the rail stations “Tullnerfeld” and “Tulln an der Donau” are possible.

Please register in time, indicating your flight/train numbers as well as arrival/departure times. Accommodation: NÖ Feuerwehr- und Sicherheitszentrum, Langenlebarner Straße 106, 3430 Tulln an der Donau


Hotel costs:

Full room and board in double room per person and night: Euro 60.00 Accommodation /other: Reservations are made in the order of registration.


Please pay only the organizational contribution of 20 € per conference participant to the account of the Vorarlberger Hypo Landesbank AG IBAN: AT 805 8000 123 0423 8036 BIC/Swift code: Instruct HYPVAT2B. You will receive a confirmation at the venue! Last payment date: 4th October 2019!


Organisational committee:

Workgroup fire-history from the Lower Austrian fire brigade department consultant HBI Siegfried Hollauf from the Lower Austrian fire brigade command The registration from is attached in PDF format. Please fill in the form with the Adobe Acrobat Reader X and send it to anmeldung@ctif-history.com and cc to siegfried.hollauf@feuerwehr.gv.at (or by mail to Ingo Valentini) as soon as possible, at the latest until 1st June 2019.


Conference volume and price:

All conference participants will automatically receive a conference volume and a CD for the price of Euro 65.00. The unit price depends on the number of copies published. We have reached a very high quality and volume, which we want to maintain.

Financing is getting more difficult due to the small number of volumes published and rising print costs. Therefore it is necessary to reach an edition of at least 250 copies. The edition depends exclusively on the number of participants and additional orders.

A higher number of copies or reserves cannot be financed. Please promote orders of the conference volume to your comrades. National associations and country fire department associations should be encouraged to buy two copies.

Furthermore, individual fire brigades, district and county fire associations, fire brigade museums and others may be interested in and profit from our research results. Our research results should be promoted to a large number of interested parties! When registering, we ask participants to collect and pay volumes ordered additionally. Delivery by mail is rather troublesome and relatively expensive, but still possible.

The sale of the volumes and CDs 2019 is organized by the chairman Ingo Valentini. You will receive the registration confirmation with the final program during summer.


International Study Group for the History of the Fire Service and Fire Protection