At least 26 dead in tropical storm Amanda
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The fatalities in the tropical storm Amanda are increasing. At least 26 people were killed in the floods and storms, according to government data.
The storm pulled in over Central America on Sunday. The Ministry of the Environment in the hardest hit country of El Salvador now reports 20 deaths and around 2,000 destroyed homes. In Honduras, four people died during a flood, and in Guatemala two people have died.
Central America is preparing for another tropical storm, Cristobal, which is currently gathering power in the Gulf of Mexico on its way to the mainland.
Cristobal is expected to move through the Gulf of Mexico in the coming days, reports the U.S. National Hurricane Center, and will likely regain tropical storm strength over Campeche Bay, Mexico, according to USA Today.
Amanda is predicted to bring heavy rains in El Salvador, southern Guatemala, western Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize and parts of Mexico, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The center also writes that the weather can cause fatal floods and landslides.